Indoor Plants for your Home

Make Your Home Happier & Healthier with Indoor Plants

Mark Grehan, award-winning landscape designer and owner of The Garden, shares with us his top tips for indoor plants. 

Indoor Plants are good for us. Here’s why:

  • They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen
  • They increase humidity indoors which helps keep coughs, colds and dry skin at bay
  • They clean the air removing harmful toxins
  • They help us feel more relaxed- being around nature and greenery is good for the soul.
  • They give us purpose- caring for a living thing and watching it bloom is rewarding.
  • They are an easy way to decorate any style room


Indoor Plants

 Your Ideal Plant:

  • You're someone who forgets to water your plants: look for plants like Jade, Aloe Sansevieria, Cacti and Succulents. Cacti and succulents like a lot of sun. If you have a nice sunny window, go for these. Sansevieria however can live happily in the shade and make great plants for bedrooms as they produce plenty of oxygen at night.
  • You like a watering routine: look for Ferns as they do not like to dry out. They can survive happily in rooms that do not get a lot of light. Asparagus Fern is particularly nice.
  • You like big plants: try a Fiddle Leaf Fig. They are sturdy and sculptural and do well indoors. They like to dry out between watering, so if you are an “occasional waterer” these are perfect for you.


Some top tips:

  • The thicker the leaves a plant has the more drought tolerant it is.
  • Check your house plants once a week and remember to feed them every two to four weeks with a good fertiliser.


Aloe Sansevieria